Category: Uncategorized

  • The OPINCHARGE Project Celebrates 18 months of research and innovations

    The OPINCHARGE Project Celebrates 18 months of research and innovations

    The OPINCHARGE Project held its project general meeting from November 21 to 22, 2024, hosted by Center for Ageing, Reliability and Lifetime Prediction of Electrochemical and Power Electronic Systems (CARL) in Aachen, Germany. This pivotal event united leading research institutions, experts in the field of battery technology and business consulting organisations to:

  • Discover the Secrets Within: CNRS Joins Forces in OPINCHARGE

    Discover the Secrets Within: CNRS Joins Forces in OPINCHARGE

    The OPINCHARGE project, a beacon of innovation in lithium-ion battery research, welcomes a key partner: the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Renowned for its groundbreaking research across various disciplines, CNRS brings its expertise in high-precision characterization techniques to the forefront of the project.

  • Diving into Lithium-Ion Battery Research with DLR

    Diving into Lithium-Ion Battery Research with DLR

    As part of OPINCHARGE’s ambitious attitude, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), a prominent research institution, brings its expertise to the forefront, aiming to unlock the secrets hidden within LIB interfaces. At DLR, the focus lies on continuum modeling, a sophisticated approach aimed at enhancing the understanding of experimental results and their broader implications.…

  • OPINCHARGE at Battery 2030+’s 4th Annual Conference

    OPINCHARGE at Battery 2030+’s 4th Annual Conference

    The vibrant city of Grenoble hosted the 4th Annual Conference on 28. – 29. May 2024, bringing together battery experts and enthusiasts for an exciting two-day event. The conference provided an opportunity to network with key stakeholders in the battery research community and engage in meaningful discussions that are driving green innovation. Naturally, the OPINCHARGE…

  • PEDAL Consulting leveraging OPINCHARGE communication

    PEDAL Consulting leveraging OPINCHARGE communication

    As a partner in the OPINCHARGE project, PEDAL Consulting assumes a vital role in managing communication and dissemination efforts. The focus lies in a comprehensive strategy that maximizes the project’s impact by reaching diverse audiences and fostering engagement. Collaborating closely with project partners, PEDAL Consulting strives to develop tailored communication plans that resonate with stakeholders…

  • Energizing Innovations: CIDETEC Illuminates Battery Interfaces in OPINCHARGE

    Energizing Innovations: CIDETEC Illuminates Battery Interfaces in OPINCHARGE

    In the dynamic landscape of battery research, CIDETEC emerges as a key player, driving innovation and understanding in the OPINCHARGE project. With a mission to deepen the understanding of interfaces and their impact on cell performance, CIDETEC’s contribution encompasses a multifaceted approach, integrating various teams and expertise.

  • Reimagining Battery Research: Unveiling the Power with PSI

    Reimagining Battery Research: Unveiling the Power with PSI

    As a pioneer in battery research, the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) ignites the spark of innovation within the OPINCHARGE project. For over 25 years, PSI has been at the forefront of operando characterization method development, delving into the intricate world of rechargeable batteries. Armed with cutting-edge research facilities like the Swiss Light Source (SLS) and…

  • A Piece of Battery Research Puzzle: CIC ENERGIGUNE’s Collaborative Approach

    A Piece of Battery Research Puzzle: CIC ENERGIGUNE’s Collaborative Approach

    Explore the fascinating world of battery research with CIC ENERGIGUNE! This leading energy research centre dedicates its efforts to advancing electrochemical energy storage technologies. As a crucial partner in the OPINCHARGE project, CIC ENERGIGUNE brings its expertise in solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to unravel the complexities of battery interfaces.

  • Unveiling the Future of Battery Research: Insights from Project Coordinator LIST

    Unveiling the Future of Battery Research: Insights from Project Coordinator LIST

    Deep into the world of cutting-edge battery research, the OPINCHARGE initiative is leading the charge towards a brighter energy future. Right at the heart of it, where innovative techniques in microscopy and chemical analysis are taking centre stage, there is the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).. With its Advanced Instrumentation for Nano-Analytics group…

  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Battery Technology: Insights from the OPINCHARGE Project General Meeting in Nantes

    Unlocking the Mysteries of Battery Technology: Insights from the OPINCHARGE Project General Meeting in Nantes

    The OPINCHARGE project recently convened in Nantes, France, on 7. – 8. December 2023, for its General Meeting. Hosted by the coordinator CNRS at the premises of Institute des Materiaux Jean Rouxei (IMN), this pivotal event brought together project partners for two days of profound discussions, collaborative efforts, and an exploration of cutting-edge advancements in…